Tuesday, February 26, 2013

DIY treat jar

I have two dogs who love their treats! They have their own shelf in the cabinet full of treats/bones/food. Instead of the ugly boxes the treats come in, I decided to make a cute treat jar for the counter top.

 --I took an old candle jar and removed the wax by setting it in the freezer for a few days. I then took a knife and chopped up the frozen wax. It broke into large pieces and was easily removed. I washed the jar with Goo Gone and dish soap.
--I dug though my scrapbook paper and found this cute 'bone' printed paper. I cut it to size and used Mod Podge to wrap it around the jar. I cut out the letters on my Cricut Expressions to spell 'Treats' and Mod Podged those and the ribbon to the jar.
 --For the lid of the jar I applied the clear sticker 'Its a dogs life' to the printed scrapbook paper. I applied it and the ribbon with Mod Podge. At the end I went over the outside of everything with Mod Podge for a little protection.
 --I would not recommend submerging this under water for washing. I would just wash the inside using a wet cloth and be careful to not get the outside wet.
 --I was happy with the way this turned out. I actually made a few different treat jars and gave this one away as a gift. I did not get pics of the other ones I made.


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